Welcome to the Terms of Use for www.aosoffice.com hosted by AOS [Amlu Online Services] (“AOS”). These Terms of Use describe the terms on which you may access and browse through this Website.

AOS has several own portals and www.aosoffice.com is the core primary portal. Through this primary portal you shall use the services of AOS with its own domains named in the top navigation of this www.aosoffice.com.

Every domain has its own terms, conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer according to the service rendered in such portal.

In order to become a user/member AOS own domains and to use of our own domains and Website, you must read and accept all of these Terms of Use along with Disclaimer. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits. In the event you do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, you may not use nor access this website or the domains owned by AOS or at any time or after becoming a user / member of AOS own domains, if you so desire, may opt out of the usage/membership of the service portals and websites of AOS.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, and without proper notice, by posting amended Terms of Use on this Website. Your use of this Website indicates your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.

Therefore, for your own interest, you are advised to go through the Terms of Use periodically.

This Website, under the name and style “www.aosoffice.com” is an online medium that has been formed to enable visitors, including Current or Potential Customers, Alliance Partners or Potential Alliance Partners, Financial and Industry Analysts, Investors, Vendors / Suppliers, Media & Journalists, Job seekers, Current and Former employees, Researchers or Academicians, and others, to gather information about AOS and to interact with AOS by sharing their queries through the website contact forms.

The usage or membership of this Website is available to all filling the website Contact Us, Event Registration or Information Download form(s). The user of the website, having the some privilege rights for downloading exclusive information like White Papers. The rights of the usage is purely on the discretion of AOS and site administrator. Users cannot have more than one active account. Further, Users/Members are not entitled to sell, trade or otherwise transfer their usage/membership to any other person/entity. If you do not qualify, you must not opt to become member of the domains owned by AOS.

Further terms will be updated soon…